From Mindless Scrolling to Focused Minds: Unraveling the Impact of Short Video Apps on Attention Spans

due to distraction of short video apps and a person struggling to focus on a task.

Short video apps, such as Tik Tok and Instagram reels, have become increasingly popular in recent years, and there are some concerns about their impact on attention span. Our Brain changes over time, rewiring and creating new connections. So, the idea of lots of quick videos “training” your brain to respond shorter and shorter content isn’t that far-fetched.1 A study published in Nature Communications in 2019 found that in general, our collective attention spans do seem to be narrowing, because of how fast everyone consumes information on social media, the trends rise and disappear rapidly, and the main character on these social media apps may be forgotten after a day. However, our Brain is harder to predict.

The Complex Issue of Attention Span and Short Video Apps

Short video apps have been a topic of discussion about their impact on attention span. These apps offer a constant stream of short, engaging videos that are designed to capture and hold the viewer’s attention. These apps are designed to capture and hold the viewer’s attention with a constant stream of short, engaging videos. While this can be entertaining and even addictive for some people, it can also lead to a decrease in attention span over time. Whilethereissomeevidence that suggests that these apps can have a negative impact on attention span, it is important to note that this is a complex issue and there are many factors at play.2

The Role of Dopamine and Instant Gratification

One potential concern is that short video apps can create a habit of constant stimulation and instant gratification, which can make it more difficult for people to focus on tasks that require sustained attention. Research has shown that frequent use of these apps can lead to a decrease in attention span and an increase in distractibility.

Neuropsychologist, Dr. Sanam Hafeez talks to in regard of mindless scrolling. She tells that when we scroll through social video apps, Instagram reels, we are in pursuit of Dopamine3. She adds that “when you scroll and hit upon something that makes you laugh, your brain receives a hit of dopamine, and when you see something, you don’t like, you can quickly pivot to something that produces more dopamine”. The results from National Library of Medicine shows that when people get a dopamine boost from something, they’re more likely to pay attention to similar things in the future.4

Pandemic and Attention

Jill Daino, Talkspace5, tells that the COVID-19 pandemic may also have had a negative effect on your attention. She is of opinion that, “It is not that we don’t have the ability to concentrate on longer things; it is that right now we may not have the bandwidth, given that we are stretched so thin in all areas of our lives”. 6

However, it’s also important to consider that attention span is not solely determined by external factors such as technology use. Factors such as sleep, exercise, and nutrition can also play a significant role in cognitive functioning and attention span. If you feel you’re switching off more rapidly than you used to, Dr. Hafeez recommends7 using meditation, reading books, doing crossword puzzles, or watching movies to train yourself into enjoying long-term attention.8

A Balanced Approach

Furthermore, not all short video apps are created equal. Some may be more designed to entertain, while others may be more focused on education or information. It’s also worth noting that some users may be able to use these apps in a way that is not detrimental to their attention span, while others may be more susceptible to the negative effects. “Social media and many other facets of modern life are destroying our ability to concentrate. We need to reclaim our minds while we still can.”9

Overall, the impact of short video apps on attention span is a complex issue that depends on many individual factors. While there is some evidence to suggest that frequent use of these apps can have a negative impact on attention span, it’s important to consider a range of factors and individual differences when assessing the potential impact.

It is also worth noting that short video apps can be used in a balanced way, as part of a healthy and diverse media diet. By combining the use of short video apps with other activities that promote focus and concentration, such as reading, exercise, or mindfulness practices, it may be possible to mitigate the potential negative effects on attention span.

References and Resources Links:

2 Does TikTok Affect Your Attention Span? Experts Explain (
4 The Role of Dopamine in Value-Based Attentional Orienting – PMC (

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